Finding the perfect Valentine’s Day gift can be a lot of pressure. Flowers…too formal? Candy…too impersonal? Jewelry…too soon?
It’s all just a little too much to take. But there is one gift that is perfect for anyone at any stage in the relationship.
A massage therapy session.
A couples massage is just the thing to take your relationship to the next level, or just have a fun and relaxing time together.
So many couples never take the time just to be together. With the stresses of balancing work, home, kids, and soccer practice, life sometimes takes its toll. Wouldn’t it be nice to just take an hour or two just to relax and shut out the world?
Although all of that is enough of a reason to go ahead and book that session, listed here are 5 more reasons a couples massage is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift:
1. It Costs Less than Jewelry
Easier on your pocketbook and much less difficult to pick out, a couples massage says “I love being with you” without the stress of wondering if your jewelry pick says “let’s get married.”
2. It’s Healthier than Candy
Not only are massages relaxing, but did you know that there are certain health benefits that go along with them? For example, massages are proven to lower blood pressure. They’re also a great way to help with chronic tension and prevent injuries during your next workout. What says you care more than tending to your partner’s health?
3. It Increases Feelings of Intimacy
A massage releases serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine, contributing to an overall feeling of joy and intimacy. Having trouble getting your partner to open up? Lying next to that person in a heightened state of euphoria is the perfect time to find out just what makes him or her tick.
4. It’s More Romantic than Dinner
Who feels intimate and sexy after stuffing themselves with spaghetti and meatballs (Lady and the Tramp recall, anyone)? While the notion may seem romantic, the after-dinner bloat…not so much. Why not, instead, share in an experience that will leave you both feeling relaxed and amorous.
5. It’s an Escape from the Real World
The next best thing to being stranded together on a desert island might be escaping into the serenity of the massage room. Cell phones off and kids at home with the sitter, your world just got a whole lot smaller. What could be more romantic than the thought that for a little while, you and your partner live in your own little world without all the outside distractions?
Do yourself and your relationship a favor…take the time today to call and make that appointment. It could be the most memorable Valentine’s Day you ever spend together!