About Zen Massage

ZEN Massage of Salt Lake City was founded in 2006 with a mission to re-invent the standards of modern massage therapy. From our opening day, we pursued extremes in quality and service that go far beyond what is considered “adequate” in the hospitality industry today.

Why are we so obsessed? To convince those who have never had a therapeutic massage to consider its value in maintaining their good health. Stress, poor posture, and loss of sleep create significant health risks for those who experience them regularly, and the worst thing anyone can do is “get used to it.”

We seek to open everyone to the experience of ZEN Massage and feel the difference in how they sleep that night. The quality of our staff, our service, and our facilities are intended to make everyone comfortable in coming to us for their first massage and every massage thereafter.

We’re raising the standards of service in the massage industry and will continue to strive for setting a good example for those who join us in this noble field. Our clients expect and deserve the best, and we provide nothing less.