The benefits of booking a luxurious and therapeutic massage at Zen Massage include relief from stress and pain, as well as well as oh-so-welcome relaxation. Once you leave our salon, we want you to continue to soak in the warm glow and relaxing sensations achieved by your visit with our therapists. We’ve compiled some tips to create a relaxing space at home and encourage you to make your space a haven from the hum and buzz of daily life.
If you feel up to a project, painting your walls a calming color is the most effective way to create a relaxing space. Soft colors found in nature will create the most soothing effect. Avoid bright or harsh colors and shiny textures. Envision soft tones of green or blue, warm grays or browns, or mid-tone shades of warmed pink or yellow.
If you’re not up to busting out the paintbrush, an easy way to transform a room is with a pleasant scent. A bowl of potpourri, scented oils or diffusers, or lightly scented candles can completely change your experience of a room. Consider scents that are known to relax, such as lavender or eucalyptus.
If you are able, choose a room in your house to completely clear the clutter. It’s even better if you can banish electronics from this room to fully immerse yourself in unplugging. By fostering an environment that is tidy and free of distractions, you can commit to creating a space where relaxation is the number one priority.
If possible, try to incorporate natural, living plants in the area where you like to relax. These will not only improve the air quality, but they bring nature a little closer to home. If you aren’t a green thumb, visit your local nursery and ask for advice on hardier species of houseplants.
We at Zen Massage truly want you to make your wellness a priority. If you seek relaxation, stress relief, or recovery from injury, strain, or a tough workout, book an appointment with us today. We look forward to seeing you!