by zenmassagenet | Feb 18, 2017 | Blog
Nobody wants to end up in the ER after heading to the mountains to ski or board. The key lies in strengthening and conditioning your body before you hit the mountain too hard.
by zenmassagenet | Feb 16, 2017 | Blog
Valentine’s Day is over but our sweethearts contest to win a $100 dinner gift card is going strong! To win, tell us about the sweetest Valentine’s gift you’ve ever received. The contest ends on the last day of February.
by zenmassagenet | Feb 15, 2017 | Blog
One of the best ways to fully benefit from a visit to our massage therapists is to employ deep breathing techniques. These tricks are also wonderful for helping manage stress and anxiety.
by zenmassagenet | Feb 14, 2017 | Blog
The benefits of booking a luxurious and therapeutic massage at Zen Massage include relief from stress and pain, as well as well as oh-so-welcome relaxation. Once you leave our salon, we want you to continue to soak in the warm glow and relaxing sensations achieved by...