Chair Massage For Conventions
A Welcome Site!
Conventions and Trade Shows are often places of high tension, stress, and exhaustion. Not only are they exciting and fast-paced, but also often concentrate a great deal of industry-specific information within a limited space and time span. Many conventions also take place “out of town” and by the time attendees are on-site they may still be adjusting to a different time-zone, hotel room and local dining options. Well, these are your target audience, and your mission is to capture their attention and hold it as long as possible.
Few things will stop a conventioneer dead in their tracks like the sight of an open massage chair. Even a short line won’t discourage them from daydreaming about taking a load off their feet and getting some relaxing bodywork. And of course, if they see our logo behind the chair, they’ll know you mean business. Standing in line for us means standing in front of your booth or display. And since standing in line can be a bore, a natural curiosity about your company or product will arise.
The chair is the hook and our therapists are the bait. We don’t mind because we’re in the fortunate position of helping out both your booth, and the people visiting it. If you’re setting up near a bigger, flashier competitor, go ahead and see what a couple of ZEN chairs can do to even the odds!
We Arrive Ready To Work: Give us a time, place and contact information and we’ll be there with chairs and smiles ready to do what we do best.
We Stay At Our Posts: Our therapists stay to do what they come to do. Even if traffic is slow, even if you’re not there. If we are a part of your booth and a part of the image you are projecting to prospective clients, we will not let you down.
We Help You Sell: Our therapists are friendly, open and can engage people from a non-threatening, neutral position. We can even wear your company logo.
We Keep The Chairs Rockin: We bring in relief therapists. Conventions and trade show can be grueling, with non-stop intensity and fatigue wearing on everyone as the day rolls on. We like to have a fresh set of hands at the chairs every few hours to maintain our quality of service.
Don’t underestimate the power of what our chairs can accomplish. We have seen it many times. An exhibitor spends a fortune on a glitzy display which might fascinate people, but the effect of which is diminished with repeated exposure. With our chairs, the later in the day it gets, the better they look, and thet longer the lines get. How long willl the average person stand in line to speak with your booth staff? We’ve had people waiting up to an hour for a 5 minute run in one of our chairs. That’s an hour spent standing in front of your booth, an hour of exposure to your marketing and media material. And by the time we’re done with them they are relaxed, smiling and flooded with endorphins. Go get em!