Today we’d like to introduce you to Olena Litovsky.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Massage was always a passion of mine. In 2006, as I was studying for medical exams we decided to open Zen massage. Started small as a way to stay in contact with my clinical background while going through steps of medical validation of credentials, but grew into amazing practice connecting two critical components of happy employees and satisfied clients.
Zen massage grew and constantly kept adapting to demand and changes in our social environment. Starting from the economic difficulties of the 2008 recession to the Covid19 shut down for six weeks.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Of course, during 15 years we have seen it all. Busy and slow. High unemployment rate and difficulties finding competent and compatible team players to add to our Zen family. Despite all of them we only grew stronger.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I do have a medical background (graduated from Medical school in Ukraine) but had neither business education nor experience. So, the beginning of the journey was easy and without expectations to make money.
It came later as a result of regulars returning customers, word of mouth, etc. Lots of our clients are close to us as a family too. Some have been loyal to us for 15 years, I am overwhelmed with gratitude every day. Being so happy to experience this perfect tango between business and passion, love to help people.
That is probably the key difference between us and other massage businesses. We don’t follow the traditional approach to staff and employment. We allow lots of freedom, encourage taking time off as needed to spend time with family, friends, to recover physically and mentally. Health is the main topic here. That includes physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.
Risk-taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
I love taking risks. Without it, I believe, it is impossible to achieve success and growth. Major risk #1 for me personally was to come to the USA in 2004.
As for Zen Massage signing up for the construction of the new location, signing up for a personal guarantee right before the 2008 market crash and downturn of the economy. I take risks in numerous ways in my life, my personal safety, and my hobbies by training and competitions in jiu-jitsu.
Hiking, always trying new things like target gun shooting, ax throwing, ect. Trying new travels and experiences like yoga retreats. I challenge myself and others with physical and mental challenges. Risks are a big part of who I am.
- $89 for 60 min massage (reg price)
- $69 for 60 min massage (membership price
- $129 for 90 min massage
- $159 for 120 min massage
Contact Info:
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: Www.zenmassage.net
- Facebook: Facebook.com/zenmassageSaltLakeCity
- Twitter: @ZenMassageUTAH
- Yelp: M.yelp.com/biz/zn-massage-salt-lake-city-5

Thank you Voyage Utah for the interview spotlighting Zen Massage of Salt Lake City.
Original source: https://voyageutah.com/interview/check-out-olena-litovskys-story