Hello Salt Lake City,
Zen Massage in Murray is NOW OPEN and taking clients again by appointment!

Can I get a Hooray! So along with reopening, we have a few extra requests of our clients and staff at this time.
What is most important for customers/clients to know:
1- You must Schedule your appointment online before coming to our location (in other words no walk-ins). Book Online Click Here.
To set an appointment over the phone, call ZEN Massage today at 801-467-3529.
2- Bring a mask for yourself. You will need to wear it for your full session.
Here is a video on how to make your own.
3- Your Zen Massage Therapist will also be wearing a mask during sessions.
4- Zen Massage Therapists will make sure appointments are spaced 30 min between each client and will meticulously clean and sanitize everything in between each of our clients.
5- If you feel ill please call and cancel your appointment.

For your information, the following guidelines are from the Salt Lake County Health Department (SaltLakeHealth.org) and are the reason for these requests of our clients at this time. We hope you understand.
Operate by-appointment only. Customers must make an appointment before visiting a personal service provider and establishments must offer to record customer contact information so public health may contact customers in case of exposure to COVID-19. Only customers with an appointment are allowed inside the facility; customers without appointments may not be accommodated (no walk-ins).
Exclude ill employees and customers. Managers must monitor themselves and all employees at the beginning of their shift for symptoms. Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 must not be allowed on the premises. Establishments must also post signs and work areas that advise employees not to work if they are experiencing fever, cough, or difficulty breathing; similarly, they must post signs in public areas advising customers to stay home if ill. SLCoHD will provide signage online that establishments may print and use to fulfill this requirement.
Wear face coverings. Employees and customers must always wear face-covering over the nose and mouth to effectively reduce the spread of respiratory droplets, (tanning customers may remove their face covering while in the booth/room actively tanning). Services that cannot be performed with face coverings in place (lip waxing beard trimming etc.) are not allowed. The customer may remove their face covering for short periods of time to facilitate specific component of the service that is otherwise able to be conducted with the covering in place, for example, the customer can remove a face covering secured with ear Loops or hold the face covering to their face with their hand while a stylus is working around the ears during a haircut.
Enforce physical distancing. Placement of work stations must ensure each social distancing of at least 6 ft and waiting areas must encourage distancing as well. Only the customer and their specific, individual provider may be within six feet of one another while the service is being provided.
Disinfect customer service area between uses. Proper sanitization of workstations must occur between services. This includes all high-touch services including tables chairs restrooms door handles and floors. The same process should be followed when the establishment closes each day. The Establishment must use disinfectant\sanitizers effective against COVID-19 approved list at epa.gov. Use disposable cleaning supplies if possible towels Mop Heads exc. Reusable supplies must be laundered daily. All existing applicable Health regulations also apply.
For More Information – This fact sheet summarizes key requirements for allowing personal service operations to resume. Additional information is available in the state Utah leads together 2.0 plan, or call Salt Lake County Health Department at 385-468-INFO (4636). Salt Lake County Health Department SaltLakeHealth.org
We will be operating under these guidelines until further guidelines are announced by the state, thank you for your understanding.
Book Your Zen Massage Today. in Murray, Utah.