Deep tissue massage uses firm and deep pressure. If you’re suffering from muscular pain or if you feel like Swedish massage doesn’t give you the relief you crave, you should look into deep tissue massage.

When you receive a deep tissue massage at Zen Massage, one of our massage therapists will apply intense pressure to various areas of your body to help alleviate pain and tension. The pressure reaches the deepest layers of your fascia, muscles, and tendons. While a deep tissue massage can benefit nearly any client, some situations call for it more than others. We discuss some of them below.
To Relieve Frequent Headaches
When you have chronic pain in your back, head, and shoulders, this can eventually lead to frequent headaches or migraines. Severe migraine pain can interfere with your daily life by making it impossible to work or socialize. It might even be difficult to turn your head all the way to the right or to the left.
By getting regular massages, you may be able to prevent headaches from developing in the first place. Reducing stress in your life can also help to prevent headaches. The good news is that frequent massages can help you let go of stress before it has a negative impact on your health.
When You Are Under a Lot of Stress
Stress might be a mental phenomenon, but it affects you physically in many ways. For example, you may hold tension in your jaw or neck. It’s also common to suffer from frequent stomach upset or insomnia. If you can relate, a Zen Massage may be just what you need to start feeling more relaxed about life. For the entire duration of your session, you just lie on one of our tables and relax in a peaceful setting. A massage therapist works your deepest muscles to help you let go of the stress you may not even know that you carry.
When You Maintain a Active Physically Lifestyle
If you are an athlete who regularly practices and competes or a person who engages in frequent physical fitness, your body can become stiff and sore as a result. Deep tissue massage is beneficial for athletes and active people because it helps you to guard against injury, allows your muscles to recover, and gives you all the benefits of a stress-relieving massage at the same time. We recommend scheduling a deep tissue massage at least a few times a month to stay ahead of injuries and keep yourself at the top of your game.
When You Haven’t Had A Massage in Years – If Ever
A deep tissue massage is most effective when you receive one regularly. However, you need to start somewhere. Once you have had your Zen Massage, you will wonder why you waited so long. A deep tissue massage can lower blood pressure, elevate your mood, increase joint flexibility, and help to release the tension you have been storing in your body. We recommend that you receive one at least once a month unless you are very active or an athlete. Bi-monthly appointments would be more effective in that case.
Are you ready to schedule a deep tissue massage? We invite you to visit Zen Massage of Salt Lake City to request an appointment and experience the atmosphere for yourself.

Zen Massage offers many different styles, prices, and massage specials so you can live life without stress holding you back.
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Zen Massage Luxury Massage in Salt Lake City, Utah
Text (385)448-5634
Call (801) 467-3529
We are located at:
5520 South Van Winkle Expy,
Salt Lake City, Utah 84117