by zenmassagenet | Sep 26, 2019 | Blog, Educational, Healthy Lifestyle, Therapy Sports Injury
Be Ready for Ski Season with these 7 Moves Get your legs back in skiing shape from the comfort of your living room with these seven easy moves. Winter is just around the corner, and if you want to get in ski-season shape by the time snow begins to fall, you need to...
by zenmassagenet | May 10, 2019 | Healthy Lifestyle, Massage Therapy, Specials
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day can be tricky holidays to maneuver. In one day we try to sum up our feelings of gratitude, appreciation & Love. Newsday once posted an survey reporting on what moms actually want for Mother’s Day. While 31% would NOT like...
by zenmassagenet | Mar 27, 2019 | Educational, Healthy Lifestyle, Massage Service, Massage Therapy, Zen Massage
Everybody needs a massage, but men and women tend to get massages for different reasons. Massage is a truly natural form of therapy that can address and relieve symptoms of all sorts of health complications. While self-care is the main reason for massage, there are...
by zenmassagenet | Jan 14, 2019 | after workout massage, Educational, Healthy Lifestyle, Massage Therapy, Therapy Sports Injury, Zen Massage
Stretching Is Essential Body Basics Have you ever seen a cat get up and start moving without stretching? If you’ve ever watched a cat you’ll have noticed each time they begin to move they stretch! They listen to their bodies! With busy daily life, we humans tend to...
by zenmassagenet | Dec 17, 2018 | Blog, Educational, Healthy Lifestyle, Massage Service, Massage Therapy, Sports Injury, Sports Massage, Therapy Sports Injury, Zen Massage
This area of the body has garnered some skiing notoriety, for good reason: the knee. How Can Sports Massage and Deep Tissue Massage Help Rehabilitate Knee Injuries for Skiers? Knee injuries account for 30-40% of all reported skiing injuries. Because of the amount of...